Is Electrolysis The Career for You?
As a career in the beauty field, electrolysis is very essential. The FDA has acknowledged that Electrolysis is the only method for permanent hair removal. As a career it offers many rewards. Hours can flexible in a self employed capacity. Also, performing a much needed service for people, enhancing their physical appearance and state of mind. Electrology is a profession with a bright future. There will always be a need for skilled Electrologists.
To become a successful Electrologist, you will need the finest possible training. The Berkowits School endeavors to give the student the most complete training available. Every student receives individual attention from experienced instructors who are all licensed by the N.Y. State Education Department. The School is well equipped and is a pleasant place in which to learn.
Please investigate and compare before enrolling. It is our feeling that you will choose the Berkowits School to train for a rewarding career as an Electrologist. |
The Berkowits Method of Training
·Clinical Practice: Much of the course is devoted to actual practice on live models. The student is carefully supervised by our experienced instructors, and will be guided through every phase of Electrolysis.
·Lectures: The theory of Electrolysis is fully explained in a series of interesting and stimulating classroom sessions.Every theoretical aspect is covered in an understandable manner.
·Individual Attention: Classes are small and afford each student the opportunity for much personal attention. Each student is evaluated periodically, and any weak points are corrected.
·Flexible Schedule: We provide a flexible schedule to enable students to pick the hours most convenient to them. Classes are given mornings,afternoons and evenings.The student is permitted to attend as many days as are necessary to complete the course. We will arrange a workable schedule that is right for you.
·Out –of – Town Students: We receive many inquires from all parts of the country. For your convenience,we have private,inexpensive living accommodations within walking distance of the school.The school is located in a quiet,safe,residential neighborhood in the center of Queens.
·Sales and Promotional Training: In addition to the skill acquired it is necessary to know how to put the ability to work.We have special classes in how to build and promote a successful practice.Methods such as consultations, location, physical layout and promotion are taught. |